We are once again offering a summer day camp program for children ages 6 to 14, to let them explore the elements of hip hop in a fun and educational way! These elements are B-boying, MC/DJing and Graffiti. The program will be divided into two groups, ages 6-9 and 10-14 and will provide an overview of the elements, the history of each and include practice and instruction time in each element. The program will offer one camp week for each element and the final week will be based around specific Buffalo history in each of the elements so that the students may see how Buffalo fits into the history of Hip Hop. Week 1 runs from July 13th thru July 17th B-boying/Hip Hop Dance Week 2 runs from July 20th thru July 24th Graffiti/Art Week 3 runs from August 3rd thru August 7th Dj/Mc/Music Production Week 4 runs from August 10th thru August 14th Buffalo Hip Hop You may register for any week individually or for all four weeks. Each week will include aspects of all the elements but will feature that week’s theme. Field Trips have been planned based around the themes. A specific camp schedule including field trips will be released by May 1st. Pricing: Early Registration Special from March 1st thru May 15th - $175/wk Regular Registration from May 15th thru July 1st - $200/wk Last Minute Registration from July 1st thru July 13th - $225/wk The hours of camp are from 9AM to 3PM and each student must provide a bag lunch. Before and After care is available from 7AM to 5PM for an additional $5/day per day. A 10% Discount will be applied to the total cost of the camp, not including before/after care for any student that registers for at least 3 weeks. Space is limited and registration is accepted on a first come, first serve basis. EMAIL [hidden] for a registration form. More Info below.