Argentine Tango Club of Baruch College is thrilled to share this opportunity for anyone who’s curious about learning Argentine tango! No dance partner or experience needed. Just bring your willingness to try something new! Come and learn Argentine tango basics in a welcoming, open and relaxed environment! We will have a lot of fun! Invite your friends! When: Every Friday starting October 9th, 6:30pm-9pm Where: VC 4-170 (Baruch College’s main building 4th floor). 6:15pm -Sign-up -Music for warm-up 6:30pm – 8:00pm *Class for beginners* Great tango dancers spend a lot of time working on their walk. Come and work with us on the beauty of tango walk! We will also address different systems in tango, fundamentals of tango leading and following, variations of embraces, and many more as we progress. 8:00pm – 9:00pm *Drop-in Intermediate class / Practica* This is the time for you to practice what you just learnt. It’s a perfect chance to dance and exchange feedbacks with people. Especially, for beginners, practica is the best time to ask a more experienced dancer or an instructor for advice. For an experienced dancer, dancing with a beginner could inspire them to learn more about the dance. The instructor will be around during the Practica and help you to understand what you just learnt during the class, and he might even throw in some surprises and more advanced materials for your fun! Argentine Tango is primarily a social dance. Connection, clear leading and following, improvisation and musicality are heavily emphasized. To us, finding nice and comfortable embrace with your partner is way more important than knowing how to do some fancy moves. A leader and a follower dance for each other and not for anybody else in the room. *Notes -If you are not a Baruch student, please provide us your full name and contact information so that we can put you on the guest list. Please do this at least 72 hours in advance (Tuesday). You can email to [hidden] and expect a confirmation reply from us. -Footwear: Wear shoes that are not too heavy and that you can easily pivot. -No partner or experience needed. Of course, you can bring a partner if you want. More Info below.