Wondering what to get your sweetheart for Valentine’s Day? How about the gift of DANCE… Canyon County Stars is a family friendly Square and Round Dance Club. Classes will be Wednesday evenings, from 7:00pm to 8:15pm at the Caldwell Senior Center, 1009 Everett Street. We welcome all participants from 9 to 90 to attend, the cost is $5/per person per class, under 18 $2.50/per person per class, and families/$14 Weekly. The first two lessons FREE. Classes range from 12 to 16 weeks and when dancers graduate, they will know the moves used by mainstream Square Dancers around the world. All instruction is presented by our caller, Darin Keith, an experienced dance teacher, and the instruction is presented at a pace which allows as much movement and dancing as possible. The classes take anywhere from 12 to 16 weeks and when dancers graduate, they will know the moves used by mainstream Square Dancers around the world. If you'd like more info you can contact Darin Keith, Caller 505-7272 or Maxine 695-4651 Feel free to bring along your relatives and friends. You will be glad you did and you will learn why we call square dancing "Friendship Set to Music". More Info below.