FREE.....FREE....FREE....FREE FREE DANCING... NO COVER CHARGE! Please share!!! It is a great place where everyone just wants to ..... DANCE and have a great time!! Awesome atmosphere. Fantastic music. Incredible restaurant staff and the best part the attendees are friendly! It is all about having a great time!!! Please invite others Here are the details: WHEN: MARCH 30, 2016 WHAT: WEDNESDAY NIGHT SALSA WHERE: BUENAVISTA RESTAURANT in the new TARGET shopping center in MADISON TIME: 6 PM - 9 PM only ( it is best to arrive early for sure) FREE LESSON for the CURIOUS at 6 pm Music will start around 6:30 ish pm COVER CHARGE = ZERO!!! It is FREE!!! We have been working really hard to get you something like this for years!!!! Hoo hoooo!!! We found it!!! Come out and let's have a blast! EAT DRINK (THEY WILL HAVE DRINK SPECIALS) DANCE Please invite friends... family...coworkers...etc... Let's show BUENAVISTA we want to stay there for a long time!!! WEPA!!!! [hidden] More Info below.