5rhythms Dance-A-Thon

5rhythms Dance-A-Thon
Jul 17

5rhythms Dance-A-Thon

What was the best dance you've ever had? Think back... there was a deep presence to your breath, a profound freedom in your body, your thoughts were quiet and your heart was full; it seemed, in fact, that you most certainly had wings spanning many dimensions and paradigms, that your ancestors were beating their emphatic support through your galloping heels. For me, the first of those dances happened several years back at RhythmWAVE, the 5Rhythms® dance camp at Burning Man. It was a breezy morning and not many people had found their way to our bamboo dance floor yet. The dust was licking at my skin and the trancey beat was lulling me into a profound generalized awareness. It was too hot to sweat, but I could feel the dry remnants of what would have been a very sweaty dance still clinging to my skin, although we were well into Stillness at that point. I was utterly empty, completely nonexistant and yet totally vital with beingness. For a few moments, even my body felt pourous - I was nothing but the wind, the dust, the sunshine, and the music; the world was not only happening around me, but through me. It was magic; I was magic. Of course, we can have transcendant moments anywhere -- such is the beauty of this practice. Sometimes they are delicate and small, like tiny clover flowers; sometimes they are expansive and wild, like a hawk dive-bombing it's prey; sometimes they are illusive and sometimes they are as real as the desk I write on. It matters not the package. That being said, I believe I will be met with resounding agreement when I say: there is something extremely special about dancing 5Rhythms in the desert. Maybe it's the overwhelming nature of Burning Man acting like a grindstone, making us raw and radiant as our true selves, maybe it's constantly contending with unfamiliar elements, maybe it's the willingness of the tribe... but whatever it is, dancing in the dust is some sort of magic. As it stands, RhythmWAVE, the only camp at Burning Man strictly dedicated to offering 5Rhythms to the populus of Black Rock City, needs our help. We need money for our continued longevity, for a larger dance floor (maybe a year or two off), for storage and floor maintenence, for scholarships, and for promotion. Our offerings have been steadily growing each year - which is fantastic - which means we need to grow to meet the needs of our beloved dancers! In a single week, thousands of dancers grace our floor to practice once, twice, sometimes three times a day, sweating, praying, crying, and celebrating in the way we know how to best: DANCING. Won't you help us continue delivering excellence to the dancers of Burning Man? Won't you help us bring grounded, authentic, presence-full movement to a city so often swept up in numbness, disconnection, and frivolity? Won't you help us show people their superpowers? This event will be a dance-a-thon, which means you can contribute monetary pledges per hour danced OR make a one-time flat donation (we will have a minimum requirement for all dancers in order to meet our rental needs). Each hour of our event will be led by a different teacher, allowing you as dancers to experience differing styles, wisdoms, and offerings. Come for all five hours, or come for one! This even will take place 1.5hrs after the SYP on Sunday morning, allowing you to break for lunch and then return to our beloved studio at the Joffrey for a full afternoon of dance, if you so choose. If you have any questions, please do not hestitate to get in touch: [hidden]. Love to all your dancing feets, and thank you for supporting the wild heart of 5Rhythms on the playa! More Info below.

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when: July 17 @ 2:30pm - 7:30pm
where: Joffrey Ballet School, 434 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NYC, NY map
category: Ballet
See More: Ballet Events



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