7pm-8pm: Leader on Leader Class taught by Jack Hanley -Empower your lead among the camaraderie of other leaders. -By leading leaders you'll discover and improve the "feel" of your lead and help other leaders improve their lead. -We will be searching for a higher confidence in our dance through experimentation, risk taking, and playful challenges. -This class is only for students who are interested in leading. 8pm-9pm: Follower on Follower and Feminine Technique Class taught by Natalia Kansburg. -Learn to control and own your dance whether following a beginner or advanced leader. -Experiment with embellishments and discover ways to design your feet and your legs. -Learn the power and influence of the follower's embrace. -Leaders are encouraged to join this class. It is important for a leader to understand how a follower expresses their body. Leaders can fine tune their feminine intuition. It will help your lead (and maybe your life.) Female, male, and gender nonconforming students are welcome in both classes. Classes will be held at Pearl Studios, 500 8th Ave, Studio 1210. Students of Strictly Tango NYC can use their regular class package to join one or both classes. Or you can register below to participate. [hidden] More Info below.