Kansas City Ballet’s Second Company (comprised of KCB II and Trainees), a program of Kansas City Ballet’s School, features young, classically trained dancers on the cusp of their professional careers. Performed in our intimate black box theater in the Bolender Center, this Second Company @ Home performance gives you an up close and personal look at today’s emerging talent. The Second Company presents Vasili Vainonen’s Flames of Paris Pas de Deux, Marius Petipa’s pas de deux from Satanella, Devon Carney’s 4 Little Swans from Swan Lake, and select works by Second Company’s Manager Anthony Krutzkamp entitled Disquiet, Similar, Sylvia Pas de Deux, and Stop. Repertoire subject to change. Tickets available online at KCBALLET.ORG or call the box office at [hidden] More Info below.