Directed by Jorge Torres, the Astoria Tango School is dedicated to continuing the tradition of the Argentine Tango - the music, poetry, artistry and social dance phenomenon. Our goal is to nurture the legacy of the Tango, bringing this rich, cultural heritage to New York City while maintaining a strong connection to the Tango’s roots. This Wednesday, February 7th, we are excited to welcome Jorge Torres to Astoria Tango School to teach our Intermediate Class! New to Tango? Take our weekly Tango Fundamentalists class with Diego Gorostiaga and Kelly Lettieri - no experience or partner required! After class, stay for the assisted practica (included in the class cover) for another two hours of practice, dancing, socializing and dinner. 7:30 to 9pm Jorge Torres INTERMEDIATES Diego and Kelly BEGINNERS Cover: $20 (class + practica) - $10 Practica *Wine and food, available on premises at incredible prices* Centro Español Queens-New York 41-01 Broadway- 1st Floor Astoria, NY 11103 [hidden] One block from Steinway and Broadway. R train to Steinway (only 3 stops from Lexington Avenue) More Info below.