Join us December 14-15-16, 2018 for the 8th Annual Day of Tango Festival, presented by the Academy of Tango Texas. Enjoy performances by international Tango dance champions and instructorswith live music from the famous Miguel Arrabal Tango Quartet. Interactive dance workshops, a free beginners dance lesson and Argentine milonga dances are among the cultural activities that will be an integral part of the event. Proclaimed by the Mayor of Austin, Steve Adler, and officially recognized in Resolution No. 30 by the Senate of the State of Texas, the Day of Tango has been celebrated in Argentina every year on December 11 since 1965 in honor of the birth dates of the two men responsible for the creation and worldwide promotion of the Tango: Carlos Gardel and Julio De Caro. After 11 years of successful campaigning by Ben Molar, the country of Argentina formally recognized the Day of Tango on November 29, 1977. The Day of Tango Festival is hosted by the Academy of Tango Texas, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization in the State of Texas. With the approval of La Academia Nacional del Tango de la Republica Argentina in Buenos Aires, the Academy of Tango-Texas is proud to bring this momentous celebration to Austin for the eighth consecutive year! For more information, email us at [hidden] or call [hidden]. More Info below.