The festival will take place in the city. Steps away from the milongas and workshops are blocks of restaurants, cafes, and bars. All Classes, Practicas, and Milongas will be held at: Dance Center Chicago 3868 North Lincoln Avenue, 2nd Floor, Chicago, IL 60613 REGISTRATION WILL BE OPEN SOON July 4th through the 8th 2019 4 Milongas 6 Practicas 16 Teachers (8 couples) Performances every night 33 classes with the following Artists: Alejandra Hobert & Adrian Veredice (ARG) Jesica Arfenoni & Oscar Casas (ARG) Daniela Roig & Hernan Prieto (ARG) Michelle Lamb & Damian Thompson (USA/AUS) Jenny Teters & Rod Relucio (USA) Micaela Barrett & Alberto Ramos (USA) Jessica Stserbakova & Somer Surgit (EE/TU) Liz & Yannick Vanhove (BE) Djays: Alberto Ramos (Cleveland) Mike Shirobokov (Chicago) Hernan Prieto (BsA) John Miller (Denver) Pre-Festival Milonga Pizpireta @ Barbayanni's Wednesday, July 3, 2019 More info to be announced, join the Windy city Tango Festival group page. [hidden] "dance with your heart and your feet will follow" [hidden] More Info below.