Latinmotion Wednesday Cuban Salsa Social & Latin Party

Latinmotion Wednesday Cuban Salsa Social & Latin Party
Apr 02

Latinmotion Wednesday Cuban Salsa Social & Latin Party

FREE ADMISSION, Just turn up. HAPPY HOUR 2-4-1 COCKTAILS 3-8pm latinmotion Cuban Salsa Latin Party night EVERY WEDNESDAY in Birmingham! ! ! LatinMotion presents. . . SALSA SOCIAL A Taste of Cuban Salsa Latin Flavours @ Revolucion de Cuba Birmingham 8 Temple Street, Birmingham, B2 5BN every WEDNESDAY 6pm-midnight with latinmotion Team guests No previous experience required. Just turn up 6pm After-work Taster Dance Class FREE for all 6: 30-7: 30pm Cuban Salsa beginners (4) with Abu Pachanga Mauricio Reyes Jos Prez-Mejuto Tamba 8pm EVENING CLASSES (6 for 1hr, 8 for 2hrs) 8-9pm CUBAN SALSA CLASSES (2 Levels) BeginnersImprovers + IntermediatesAdv with Laura Jackson Abu Pachanga Mauricio Reyes Jos Prez-Mejuto Tamba 9-10pm RUEDA CLASSES (2 levels) BeginnersImprovers + IntermediatesAdv with Sophia Pryce Abu Pachanga Mauricio Reyes Jos Prez-Mejuto Tamba 10pm-12am SALSA SOCIAL LATIN PARTY with Mauricio Reyes, Abu Pachanga + more guests plenty of FREE street PARKING after 7: 30pm RECOMMENDED between Victoria Sq Birmingham Cathedral, follow Colmore Row around park on Waterloo St. FREE admission (incl After-work Taster Class at 6pm) (or just come and enjoy atmosphere, food cocktails) 4 for 6: 30pm Beginners class 6 5 4 includes 1 evening class after 8pm 8 7 6 includes 2 evening classes after 8pm FREE admission without class (freestyle social after classes) FREE introductory beginners classes for NEW beginners too : D discounted rates for NUS latinmotion members discounted rates for DCL other local Uni Salsa Society members @ Revolucion de Cuba Birmingham 8 Temple Street, Birmingham, B2 5BN tel: (0121) 796 1216 Free introductory beginners classes for NEW beginners Awesome Cuban Latin Theme Club Bar Great dance floor Top Salsa Teachers djs weekly Cuban Rueda classes for all Top Sound, Lighting Air-con systems Party till late Central B'ham Location with easy access free street parking after 7: 30pm GET SOCIAL with Revolucion de Cuba Birmingham www. Revoluciondecuba. Combarbirmingham www. Facebook. Comdecubabirmingham www. Twitter. Comdecubabham www. Instagram. Comdecubabirmingham latinmotion info: (0121) 45 45 009 or Mauricio Reyes 07973 402 911 or visit www. Latinmotion. Co. Uk for more GET SOCIAL with LATINMOTION Keep in touch show us some love on our official latinmotion social media pages below. 'Like' our official Page, 'Join' our Group, plus follow us on Instagram Twitter to stay connected with all our dance classes, socials, club nights, special events dance festivals. . . More Info below.

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Phone: (0121) 45 45 009
[email protected]
when: April 2 @ 6pm - April 3 @ 12am
where: Revolucion de Cuba Birmingham, 8 Temple Street, Birmingham, United Kingdom map
price: Free
category: Salsa



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