Back for our 14th year(!) and this one is going to be our best congress yet! With 8 workshops every hour throughout the weekend, a huge selection of International and National teachers, Amazing Shows and 3 great nights of social dancing this year is already shaping up to be an incredible weekend. You really don't want to miss this years event! **This Years line up** Gil & Shelley - UK Revolucion del Cuerpo - Romania Marchant & Davina - UK Ronald Pieters - The Netherlands Joao & Giedre - Portugal/Lithuania Loïc Jeanne - Guadeloupe/France Step In2 Salsa - Romania Alvaro & Mirabella - Portugal/Serbia Sonrisa Dance - Romania Rasa Pauzaite - Lithuania/UK Magda & Azril - Poland/Cork Pratheesh Chambeth - India/Cork Karina Vassiljeva - Estonia/Dublin Patrick Marinho - UK/Dublin Pedro Alberto - Brazil/Galway Salsa Cubana - Italy/Cork Check out the full lineup on our site here! DJs confirmed: DJ Sergi - France DJ Nuno Melo - Portugal DJ Tuli Mar - Venezuela/UK DJ Supaman - Portugal DJ Romy aka The Preacher - Romania DJ Joao Rocha - Portugal DJ Fabio - Italy/Dublin DJ Sabroso - Brazil/Galway Draft Timetable Ready This year we have put a lot of effort into preparing a draft version of the timetable for this years event so that you can get a feel for what to expect. More Info below.