Salsa 201 @ Aatma Dance Studio

Salsa 201 @ Aatma Dance Studio
Mar 31

Salsa 201 @ Aatma Dance Studio

Can you lead/follow a cross-body-lead with left and right turns? Can you count the music? Do you know which foot goes with each number in the music? Thats a good sign that you are ready for the 201 level class. If you are not sure about what these mean, we recommend you take our 102 level classes.In this level, you will learn all the basic building blocks of Salsa. We dont promise that you will be able to execute all the fancy moves that you see experts do, but you will be able to see what are the the building blocks behind each move. Our 201 syllabus is our greatest achievement. From years of helping dancers bridge the gap between beginner and intermediate, we have devised a curriculum which will teach you both the theory behind the moves and the practice moves you will need to master to be able to learn and execute the advanced moves in the future. This is where your dance journey will be solidified. You will learn the most popular patterns which you can lead wherever in the world you might go. All our moves are designed to be build upon later in the next level. More Info below.

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Phone: 404-984-4482
[email protected]
when: March 31 @ 7pm - 8pm
where: Aatma Dance Studio, 3308 Laventure Dr #170, Atlanta, GA 30341, USA map
price: $20
category: Salsa



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