The Postman Milonga

The Postman Milonga
Mar 03

The Postman Milonga

THE POSTMAN MILONGA host Fil Cruz Jr. Milonga on every 5th Sunday of the month Next milonga May 29, 2022 VACCINATED ONLY!! PLZ ENTER THRU SIDE DOOR FRONT DOOR WILL BE LOCKED THX COST 10.00 Venmo, PayPal, Cash App, Check or Cash PLEASE PRE-PAY IF POSSIBLE THX BYOB and some snacks provided. TDJ Fil Cruz Jr. FYI If you're unable to attend any Austin Tango Practica event for whatever your reason, you can still donate to support the event thru the VENMO , PAYPAL or CASH app. Thanks in advance. For more information TEXT ME at [hidden]. I will get back to you ASAP or after the next tanda. For more information about any Austin Tango events, classes, practicas and milongas, please see the Facebook group AUSTIN TANGO, the Facebook page AUSTIN TANGO PRACTICA and the Austin Tango WEBSITE [hidden] SAFE SPACES If you feel uncomfortable for any reason or believe someone is violating the COVID Policies and/or the Austin Tango Safe Spaces Policy, please inform one of the event hosts immediately. More Info below.

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Phone: 512.203.9196
when: March 3 @ 6pm - 10pm
where: Austin Uptown Dance Studio, 8868 Research Blvd #706, Austin, TX 78758, USA map
category: Argentine Tango



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