Tangueando Practica

Tangueando Practica
Mar 15

Tangueando Practica

Join us for our weekly Saturday practica at FGDA! Schedule: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Saturdays 3-6p. This is an open time for folks of all levels to come with or without a partner and practice. FGDA IS PLEASED TO OFFER PRACTICAS TO OUR STUDENTS AND THE TANGO COMMUNITY What is a Practica? A Practica is an open time for students to come to the studio and practice. No partner is necessary to attend. An FGDA Instructor will always be available to answer questions if you have them! Both of our practicas open anyone of any level to come and dance. Our Open Role practica will give an opportunity for dancers to focus on practicing both roles (if they wish) // (Please check calendar- sometimes if we have an event the night before, or the practica falls on a holiday, then the practica may be cancelled). Level: All levels. Prerequisite: None! Open to Public. This is a time for dancers of all levels to come together and practice materials from classes. Price: 10, drop-ins encouraged More Info below.

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[email protected]
when: March 15 @ 3pm - 6pm
where: FG Dance Academy, 380 Washington St floor 2, Brighton, MA 02135, USA map
price: $10
category: Argentine Tango



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