Milonga En Movimiento

Milonga En Movimiento
Mar 30

Milonga En Movimiento

Milonga En Movimiento with guest DJ 15, including 5 off a drink at the cafe on that same date Retro Dance Cafe 3246 N. Central ave Chicago, IL As we know, nothing is certain these days. Therefore, check tangomango right before you go to milonga in case there are any updates, including time and location.( Yes, its can change. Thats why its " en movimiento"en movement:)) Our mlonga"En Movimiento" is well known as the most friendly one, we now open to all healthy dancers and follow Covid safety guidelines. Please, stay home if you don't feel well!! The cafe has great wood floor- better then in dance schools, variety of beverages, perfect sound system, inside and outside areas of seating, 2 free parking lots on both sites of cafe and anywhere on the streets on Sundays. 120pp full capacity, we expect no more then 50%.Please, be careful with speed cameras( 30mph limit). There are several pn Lawrence and Central! Drive acordingly. More Info below.

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when: March 30 @ 5pm - 8pm
where: Retro Dance Cafe, 3246 N Central Ave, Chicago, IL 60634, USA map
price: $15
category: Argentine Tango



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