Practica Subte

Practica Subte
Apr 02

Practica Subte

We want tango magic, so we have to create it! Practica is there for you to experiment, to ask questions, to exchange ideas, get comfortable with new things and cement your skills. The more you practice, the more masterful will your dance become! Practica Subte is created to be an open, friendly environment to try things, make mistakes, laugh about them and try again. No judgement, welcoming space for those who want to work and improve their tango. Practica is guided, to someone will always be there to give you ideas and answer questions if you have any. Use this space to master your tango! Practica is also an amazing place for beginners to start dancing comfortably, before venturing into the real milongas. When I was a beginner myself, my school called practices a beginners milonga. I think its brilliant! Practica Subte is also warmly welcoming anyone who wants to see what its like to dance a show or try their hand at DJing. Practica Subte will take place every Wednesday from 9.30 pm 12 am at Flow and the Dane. It is a small space so places will be limited. Entrance: 5, students 4 You can bring your own drink, as we have no bar! Bring, share, enjoy! More Info below.

Sign up to see Contacts & Info:
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Phone: 44 (0) 755 278 7401
[email protected]
when: April 2 @ 9:30pm - April 3 @ 12am
where: Flow and the Dane, 143 Mare St, London E8 3RH, UK map
category: Argentine Tango



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