We look forward to this summer milonga with DJ Gabriele Sabato, who not only rocks the Ronda as a singer and dancer, but also at the DJ desk! Before the Milonga there is our Summer Fundamentals class at 6pm and Summer Structures and Elements class at 7:30pm with Ellie Silvana. The first course is for singles, the second course for couples. All information can be found here: [hidden]. Entry Milonga: 5-10-15 (reduced-medium-support price). Guests who have come to Berlin from the Ukraine in the past few months have free entry. Safety: Please test yourself before visiting the milonga, regardless of your vaccination status. We ask you to refrain from visiting our Milonga after risk contacts, even if you have only slight symptoms. In the interest of everyone, we ask you to deal with this topic responsibly. Thank you for your cooperation. Social dancing: All participants in a milonga want to dance and have a nice evening. When each dancer dances a tanda with someone they've never danced with before during the evening, the room mixes up considerably. Social interaction and exchange are encouraged and we all get a little closer. That and beautiful dances, what more could you want from a milonga? Our hostess Ellie is looking forward to the milonga with you! -- Price per person single price 10 , reduced 5 , support 15 -- Hygiene concept: There are currently no restrictions in our courses and milongas. We ask all participants to treat each other with respect. Air purification hygiene system The Nou Mitte has a permanently installed ventilation system that works with fresh air. In addition, we have a mobile Debetek air purification hygiene system. During courses and events, the mobile system runs in filter mode (Hepa 13). If there are no people in the room, it is disinfected with H2O2. This reduces biological contamination and pathogens such as germs, mold, bacteria, viruses and air pollutants. -- Info: [hidden] [hidden] More Info below.