Abrazo Queer Tango Practica

Abrazo Queer Tango Practica
Mar 27

Abrazo Queer Tango Practica

QUEER TANGO PRACTICA ON THURSDAYS Finnish Hall 1970 Chestnut st. Berkeley at University. The only reason for mastering technique is to make sure the body does not prevent the soul from expressing itself. La Meri (American dancer, teacher, choreographer) 7:15-9:15 pm every Thursday Practice your pivots (or whatever you are are working on), DANCE, ask questions (experienced queer dancers will be on hand). This is a dedicated practice time for queer, trans, non-binary dancers and those unicorns and magic makers interested in creating inclusive dance spaces with us. We are excited to welcome you all. DJ SCHEDULE DJ Douglas 8/4, 8/25 DJ Jonas 8/8, 8/11 COST 10 General Admission. 5 Students with ID. Venmo, paypal, cash, check at the door COVID REQUIREMENTS Proof of vaccine + Booster. Mask required (KF94/N95/KN95). Please read our full COVID protocols prior to attending our event. More Info below.

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when: March 27 @ 7:15pm - 9:15pm
where: Finnish Brotherhood Hall, 1970 Chestnut St, Berkeley, CA 94702, USA map
price: $10
category: Argentine Tango



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