3PM 5PM: Social Dancing For All Levels - Music by DJ Leo. 5-6PM: Have Tea/Coffee/Drinks together upstairs. SALSA CLASSES THIS SUNDAY! 2:00-3:00: BEGINNER SALSA 2:00-3:00: IMPROVER SALSA CLASSES SCHEDULE IN NOVEMBER: Salsa classes are 13th, 27th of NOVEMBER. Bachata classes are 6th, 20th of NOVEMBER. ENTRANCE FEE: Beginner Class + Social: 5, Improver / Inter-Mediate Classes + Social: 7, Social Only: 5 VENUE: TEACHERS CLUB. ADDRESS: 36 PARNELL SQUARE WEST, ROTUNDA, DUBLIN 1. SCHEDULE: 2 3PM: Beginner/ Improver /Intermediate Classes at the Same Time (One Week for Salsa, And the Following Week Will Be Bachata and Repeat). 3PM 5PM: Social Dancing For All Levels - Music by DJ Leo. 5-6PM: Have Tea/Coffee/Drinks together upstairs More Info below.