Sunday Salsa Cafe @ Zapatissimo

Sunday Salsa Cafe @ Zapatissimo
Mar 30

Sunday Salsa Cafe @ Zapatissimo

We meet in the Zapatissimo with Giovanni at the podium. More Salsa and some Bachata. The best and most danceable harmonic music that you can enjoy in a warm atmosphere in the company of beautiful people in an authentic Latin atmosphere. Admission is free for you and your friends. Become part of the Berlin Salsa family away 17:00 o'clock Where? Kolonnenstrae 29. 10829 (Commercial entrance) S-Bahn station: Julius-Leber-Bridge Info: Whatsapp group: +[hidden]772 So that you know quickly and first-hand when and on which dates our event is taking place, we recommend that you register in our Whatsaap or Tetegram Tanzen im Clrchens Ballhaus group. So you will know everything that happens in this place related to the dance you like the most. (Swing, Salsa, Standard and Latin, Salsa, Bachata etc. Just send a private message to +[hidden]772 and we will integrate you into this great dance family More Info below.

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Phone: (+49) 17620470772
[email protected]
when: March 30 @ 6pm - 11pm
where: Zapatissimo Dance School, Kolonnenstraße 29, 10829 Berlin, Germany map
price: Free
category: Salsa



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