REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Join us at one of the coziest, friendliest tango festivals at the heart of Europe with our super kind friends and tango maestros & maestras: Sercan Yigit & Zeynep Aktar, Max Van De Voorde & Raluca Aldea and Yailet Suarez. Aside from learning from tango superstars during the day and dancing inside the luxurious Irányi Palace during the night, we also have a tango show for you in the National Dance Theatre as well as some very special daily milongas. You can check out the schedule and other details here: OktóberPest TangoFest – Budai Tango Club ([hidden]) And join our Facebook group for more updates here: OktóberPest TangoFest 2024 | Facebook ([hidden]) Can't wait to see you there! More Info below.