- . : . We're pleased to present the 5th edition of the Nairobi Kizomba Sensao!!! . Set in the safari capital of the Africa, Nairobi is a city that never seems to sleep, the entire city has boundless energy, and its people are friendly and hospitable. . The Nairobi Kizomba Sensao is a 3-day music and dance event that will provide a unique opportunity for participants to immerse themselves in Kizomba, Semba, Tarraxinha, Konpa, Afrodance music and dance genres. The attendees will get a chance to participate in dance workshops, enjoy performances, themed social dance parties and safaris. . - . . TBA . . TBA . . . , , 18:30 - 17:30 Workshop 17:30 - 01:00 Party . , 20:00 21:00 Workshop 21:00 22:00 Party . , , 10:00 17:00 Workshops 20:00 04:00 Party . , , 10:00 17:00 Workshops 20:00 04:00 Party . , - , . : +[hidden]47 [hidden] [hidden] . #NKS2025 #nairobikizombasensacao #kizomba #semba #tarraxinha #konpa #afro #comelivethemagic #magicalkenya #morethanafestival More Info below.