Zouk World Barcelona Congress 2025

Zouk World Barcelona Congress 2025
Apr 24

Zouk World Barcelona Congress 2025

En ESPAOL debajo... Dear dancers, Olaya, Jordi Papagaio are so happy to present: Barcelona ZOUK WORLD Congress!! +25h workshop +30h Social Dancing: MarathonParties Accomodation, workshops and parties in the same hotel Full board accomodation Pool party +30 artists: all styles together JJ, for the First time in Barcelona! Link for registration: [hidden] ARTISTS: Michael Aline William Irene Edgar Nadyne Alexandre Natasha Olaya Papagaio Pedrinho Paloma Alex de Carvalho Saulo Yasmim Rau Isa Kadu Carolina Allan Vick Diego Thielli Arthur Julissa Xandy Liberato Djs: Dj M@izengerz, Dj TiZouk, Dj Guinzy Dj BigZouk, Dj Sasha X, Dj Papagaio Dj William, Dj Beija-Flor, Dj Alex de Carvalho IS Dj, K-Dj, Dj Paloma Videographers: Gledson Baila Mundo, Lutty Moreira TICKETS HOTEL: [hidden]... FAQ: We will NOT have party pass or day pass. If you choose not to stay at the Main Hotel (there is option of 3 and 4) there will be a fee of 50 It's not necessary to book for the FullPass Hotel at the same time, it can be done in different moments. We recomend you get the FullPass as soon as you know you will come, and after organize with your friends for the room (the hotel prices don't change). If you have more doubts please tell us We will do our best to create an unforgettable weekend for you .......... Querid@s bailarine/as, Olaya, Jordi Papagaio os presentamos con mucha felicidad: Barcelona ZOUK WORLD Congress +25h clases +30h baile social: Marathon y fiestas Alojamiento, clases y fiestas en el mismo Hotel Alojamiento con pensin completa fiesta en la piscina +30 artistas: todos los estilos juntos JJ por primera vez en Barcelona!! Link para registrarse: [hidden] ARTISTAS: Michael Aline William Irene Edgar Nadyne Alexandre Natasha Olaya Papagaio Pedrinho Paloma Alex de Carvalho Saulo Yasmim Rau Isa Kadu Carolina Allan Vick Diego Thielli Arthur Julissa Xandy Liberato Djs: Dj M@izengerz, Dj TiZouk, Dj Guinzy Dj BigZouk, Dj Sasha X, Dj Papagaio Dj William, Dj Beija-Flor, Dj Alex de Carvalho IS Dj, K-Dj, Dj Paloma Videgrafos: Gledson Baila Mundo, Lutty Moreira. TICKETS HOTEL: [hidden]... Preguntas Frecuentes: NO habr pases de fiestas o das sueltos. Si decides no quedarte en el hotel principal (hay la opcin de 3 y 4) habr un coste por uso de las instalaciones de 50. No es necesario comprar el FullPass Hotel a la vez, se puede hacer en momentos diferentes. Recomendamos que cojas el FullPass tan pronto sepas que vas a venir al evento, y luego organices con tus amigos para la habitacin (el precio de las habitaciones no van a subir). Si tienes ms dudas, escrbenos haremos lo posible para que sea un fin de semana inolvidable More Info below.

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when: April 24 @ 9am - April 28 @ 9pm
where: Hotel Don Angel, Carrer del Pla de la Torre, 14, 08398 Santa Susanna, Barcelona, Spain map
category: Salsa

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