Encuentro Milonguero La Cadena 2025

Encuentro Milonguero La Cadena 2025
Apr 25

Encuentro Milonguero La Cadena 2025

Milonga Alegre's Encuentro Milonguero La Cadena is an international social tango event at a unique location in Nijmegen. It is a meeting place for lovers of dancing in close embrace who want to respect the milonga codes on and off the dance floor : request by eye contact (mirada and cabeco), changing of partners after each tanda, respect for the lines of dance while dancing in the ronda, entering on to the dance floor in a correct way, social and friendly on and off the dance floor. Becoming member of this group is only possible for people who show they are tangodancers and have recognizable pictures on the personal Facebook account. More Info below.

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when: April 25 @ 9am - April 27 @ 9pm
where: Nijmegen, Netherlands map
category: Argentine Tango

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