Wkd AlliançA – Edition 2 – Dakar/SéNéGal 2024

Wkd AlliançA – Edition 2 – Dakar/SéNéGal 2024
Nov 01

Wkd AlliançA – Edition 2 – Dakar/SéNéGal 2024

Alliana aims to bring together all enthusiasts around a festive, cultural and sharing event in Dakar via: Workshops ; Conference Debate ; Parties / Socials ; Excursions. To do this, you will be accompanied by local and international artists. DJs : - DJ Vasco / - DJ Sean - DJ Gass / - DJ P - DJ Bud - DJ As de Pikk / - Beenouch - DJ Dino / Teachers : Adilson Telma Elhadj Bak / Vasco Sean Eden / Ticketing [hidden] Or #Paypal : [hidden] What do we offer you ? Full Pass : includes workshops, parties socials : 94,99 Pass Excursions (from 28Oct to 1Nov) : includes excursions and transport : 300 Pass Trip KTK : Package including flight ticket (from paris), Full pass, hotel and airport pick-up / drop-off. From 28 october to 03 November. Reservation and payment in multiple installments possible. Follow the link below KTK link : [hidden] You can also book your Airbnb for accomodation in the recommended corner : Almadies/Ngor. Excursions Program Goree Island Lac Rose Boat Party/Trip Bandia Safari Renaissance Monument Independence Square and Unmissable Markets Contact - Nasser Nassemba ( +[hidden]5) - GnKizomba (+[hidden]85) - Instagram : wkdallianca - Mail : [hidden] VISA Information There are over 100 countries whose citizens are now exempt from tourist visas to enter Senegal. If you are unsure whether you will require a visa, please drop us a message/email using our contact details listed above and we will check/confirm for you. If you do require a visa, we will support and guide you throughout the visa application process. Visa exempt Nationalities : E.U, Algrie, Andorre, Argentine, Australie, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbades, Bnin, Botswana, Brsil, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burundi Cameroun, Canada, Cap Vert, Rpublique centrafricaine, Tchad, Comores, Congo (R), Congo (RDC), Costa Rica, Cte d'Ivoire, Egypte, Salvador, Ethiopie, Fiji, Gabon, Gambie, Ghana, Grenade, Guatemala, Guine, Guine-Bissau, Hati, Honduras, Islande, Indie, Isral, Jamaique, Japon, Kenya, Kiribati, Kosovo, Koweit, Lesotho Liberia Liechtenstein, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysie, Mali, Marshall, Mauritanie, Maurice, Micronsie, Monaco, Maroc, Namibie, Npal, Nouvelle-Zlande, Niger, Nigria, Norvge, Oman, Russie, Rwanda, Saint Kitts et Nevis, Sainte-Lucie, Saint-Vincent Grenadines, Samoa, Saint-Marin, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapour, Solomon, Afrique du Sud, Core du Sud, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Suisse, Thalande, Timor oriental, Togo, Tunisie, Turquie, Tuvalu, Ouganda, Ukraine, Emirats arabes unis, Etats-Unis, Vanuatu, Vatican, Zambie, Zimbabwe More Info below.

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Phone: 33767241705
[email protected]
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when: November 1 @ 9am - November 3 @ 9pm
where: 117 GY-137, Dakar, Senegal map
category: Kizomba

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