Barcelona House Dance Class Level 2

Barcelona House Dance Class Level 2
Oct 28

Barcelona House Dance Class Level 2

LEVEL 2 Are you ready to explore the dynamic and energetic world of house dance? Join us for our weekly house dance class and experience the foundations, benefits, and influences of this exciting dance style. At its foundation, house dance is characterized by fast footwork, fluid movements, and intricate rhythms. It emphasizes individual expression and improvisation, making it a great way to develop your creativity and build confidence on the dance floor. You’ll also get the chance to explore your creativity and express yourself through freestyle dancing. Not only is house dance a fun and engaging form of physical activity, but it also has numerous health benefits. Regular dance practice can improve cardiovascular health, coordination, and balance, while also boosting mood and reducing stress. Join us for our weekly house dance class and discover the rich history, foundation, and influences of this exciting dance style. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced dancer, our class offers a welcoming and supportive environment for you to learn, grow, and express yourself. See you on the dance floor! CLASS DESCRIPTION: Starting with a warm up and followed by choreography. Great for beginners, this class breaks down basic steps (like jacking, skating, chase, salsa hop, sidewalk, stomp, and shuffle step) to build a solid foundation that will allow students to move, groove, and freestyle to the music. Students will learn to dance in both free-flowing and syncopated movements to Funky House and Afro-Latin-infused rhythms and learn floor work such as lofting. Each week is a different routine. Whether you want to learn a few moves or sweat and improve your style, I will do my best to get the best out of you. €10/Class Començarem amb un escalfament i seguirem amb tota una coreografia. Bo per a principiants. Aquestes primeres classes són el pas bàsic per entendre i ballar el jacking.......i construir així una sòlida base que us permetrà, d'una manera fluida i lliure, moure-us per tots els ritmes i estils al só de la música. Cada setmana serà una rutina diferent i molt amena. Si vols aprendre uns quants moviments i a més millorar el vostre estil, us donaré el millor de mi per aconseguir el millor de vosaltres. Us espero. see you soon One Love Littlemilk Insta @littlemilkhousedancer Tik Tok @littlemilktok More Info below.

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when: October 28 @ 7pm - 8pm
where: Centre Cívic Barceloneta, Carrer de la Conreria, 1-9, 08003, Barcelona map
price: Free
category: Salsa



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