Take your salsa skills to the next level in this Advanced Beginner Salsa on 2 class. Building on basic steps and fundamentals, you'll dive deeper into the "New York Style" salsa, focusing on more intricate footwork, sharper turns, and smooth partnerwork. This class is perfect for dancers who are comfortable with the basics and ready to refine their timing, technique, and musicality, all while staying in sync with the rhythm of the music. With a fun, high-energy atmosphere, you’ll gain the confidence to shine on the dance floor while learning how to dance "on 2" with style! Experience required. Enjoy your first class with a special discount - for all local students! ($30 value) Please call ahead or arrive 15 minutes early to register for your first class. Please note that these classes are held weekly, with the exception of some holidays and special events. Be sure to check the updated monthly studio calendar for any changes HERE! More Info below.