Salsa Suelta Routines w/Jennie Sundays 12:00-1:30 $22 drop-in or $80 for 4-class pass Please register at [[hidden] to attend this class. Or follow the class link below to sign up. Offered in-person and via Zoom! Salsa Suelta is an Afro-Cuban Salsa class that is done without partners, and is a full body experience. The dance language of Suelta pulls from Reggaeton, Casino, Santeria, traditional Afro-Cuban dances, and heart. Get warmed up, wake up your heart, mind, hips, ribs, shoulders, feet and everything in between. This class is suitable for beyond beginning and intermediate dancers. The focus changes weekly, and is centered around short choreographed routines. Dress to sweat in clothes that promote movement. Sneakers are best for this class. SIGN UP HERE! More Info below.