Authentic Relating Games Night

Authentic Relating Games Night
Mar 06

Authentic Relating Games Night

Games Night is Back! Join us for a fun night of connection and aliveness! Doors close at 6:30pm Cost is just $10! Authentic Relating Games are interactive exercises designed to create deeper connections and more genuine communication between people. These games provide a structured framework for participants to explore heart-centered connection, practice active listening, and expressing themselves more authentically. Games range from simple activities like "The Noticing Game," where participants take turns sharing observations about themselves and each other, to more complex exercises that involve making requests or sharing personal truths. Participants can always choose how much or how little they want to share and are encouraged to 'lean into their edge.' The primary goal of these games is to break down social barriers and create a space for open, honest interaction. By engaging in playful yet meaningful activities, participants can develop greater self-awareness, empathy, and interpersonal skills. More Info below.

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when: March 6 @ 6:15pm - 8:15pm
where: Always Power Yoga, 3400 E Speedway Blvd #112, Tucson, AZ map
price: $10
category: Salsa



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