The Roof Is On Fire - Charlotte Salsa Maniacs And Tango Ladies Do It Again

The Roof Is On Fire - Charlotte Salsa Maniacs And Tango Ladies Do It Again
Mar 07

The Roof Is On Fire - Charlotte Salsa Maniacs And Tango Ladies Do It Again

Dear Charlotte Salsa Maniacs, The last time we got together at A Piece of Havana earlier this month with the Tango Ladies, we had an incredible turn out. About 20 of us had dinner, and then danced, and danced, and danced. 'We had Ling Tin Tong from China, long tall Sally from Alabama, we had 007 (double 0 seven), the private eye, we even had the guys from I Spy. So come one, and come all, we goin' have a ball. ... It's a function at the Junction." Those words are from a classic called function at the junction, a hit when I was in college, and a favorite tune at my freshman house party in my room. You know that saying: "we going turn this Muther out. .. .and the roof, the roof is on fire?" Well during the party, some body dropped cigarette ashes on a pillow while the party was going on. Back then people smoked everywhere and smoked so many different things.... not me mind you....(smile - that's my story and I'm sticking to it). But while we were jammin' a pillow caught on fire. So since it was my place, I grabbed that sucker and I was heading to door to throw it out. You won't believe what happen next. Nothing. People just kept on dancing, just moving (in rhythmn mind you) as I was coming through. They were so cool and so absorbed in the dancing and each other, that you'd think I was just coming through with drinks and snacks. But I was carrying a flaming pillow. No problem, as Oscar Brown Jr would say: "But I was cool." That is the Black Man's mantra you know, to be cool no matter what. But, The roof was almost really on fire that night and we almost burned that muther down. What you saying Muhammad? I am saying, we know how to bring the party. You know Salsa his hot already. And you add Salsa Maniacs to the mix; we will be bring the heat. Here is the scene. From 7 to 10, there is a live (free) latin band. They play the music while most people eat, drink, and be merry. But, often we just can't resist, and we start dancing even before the DJ comes on at 10 til 2. The band loves it. And so do we. The DJ will play Salsa, Bachata, Merengue, Cha cha cha, Cumbia, and Reggaeton may show its head for minute late in the night, and he always plays some Argentine Tango for us. We just take over the place. Belquis, the owner, she's from Cuba, is a great host, and the food is fabulous. Have I got your attention yet? Come join us. You will be glad you did. Ya dig? We won't have signs all over the place, you will know us because we will be the ones having the fun. I'll be the Cat in the Hat, and the Tango Ladies (many who are Salseras in our group), will be looking fabulous. They typically dress to kill. You'll be sayin: "who is that?" Don't be shy, come up and introduce yourself... we will all be so glad to see you. But I warn you, we will do more dancing than talking. I'm through talking for now. As the late Nina Simone so eloquently put it: "Nuff Said." Muhammad ( the Professor, the Cat in the Hat) More Info below.

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when: March 7 @ 8:30pm - 11:30pm
where: A Piece of Havana, 11126 S. Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC map
price: Free
category: Salsa



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