Salsa 2 - Beginner

Salsa 2 - Beginner
Mar 10

Salsa 2 - Beginner

SALSA 2 -beg w/Sarah Mondays 7:30-8:30p $16 drop-in/ $55 4-class pass Please register at [hidden] to attend this class. Or follow the class link below to sign up. Offered in-person and via Zoom! Having established a foundation for Salsa in our Salsa 1 introduction class (or Salsa Quickstart workshop), students will now start to build more on their lead & follow skills while focusing on beginning variations of moves that spin, travel, and groove. Two fundamental moves that go beyond basics in Salsa are open-break variations and cross-body-lead variations. Warm-ups become more intricate and follows are given more styling details than in level 1, and students start to learn the differences between linear club-style Salsa and Cuban style (not to mention Columbian, LA, NY, and other nuances to the regional differences of the dance). Pre-requisite: Salsa 1 or comfort with basic steps and a simple turn. Salsa 2 should be repeated before moving on to Salsa 3. SIGN UP HERE More Info below.

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when: March 10 @ 7:30pm - 8:30pm
where: The Viscount Dance Studio, 720 Southeast Sandy Boulevard, Portland, OR map
price: Free
category: Salsa



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