Dancing plays an important role in our lives. According to research by scientists, dancing is the best way to maintain and significantly improve your health, both physical and intellectual. You can make your dream come true and perform at your birthday party or make an original surprise gift to your family or friends, as well as take part in competitions and win the main prize, and perhaps dance on the theater stage in a dance performance, diversify and spend your leisure time in a quality and useful way among people with similar interests, have fun by participating in dance festivals and marathons in different cities around the world. And the professional team of Tango Cafe will help you with this. From group training to individual lessons for performing at the world championship, from free dancing at club events to live music of the only tango orchestra in Central Asia to staging and participating in dance performances; more than 30 years of experience of our team in the dance sphere was realized in the Tango Cafe project and is now fully available to you. Our classes are designed for people of any age, level of physical fitness and dance experience, from beginner to advanced. More Info below.