Our fifth edition already in Eindhoven. A weekend full of dance, of joy, of shared homemade meals, of meetings with new and old friends. Totally in tango events are loved and known for a warm, open, welcoming atmosphere, where all participants are free to dance 'their' dance. Scala Tipo Tango is the oldest tango association in Eindhoven, and the venue breathes tango through all the little details to make your stay easy and smooth. The registration starts on 26/11 All information about the event: [hidden] Friday, 4 April 19.00 - 01.00 Milonga, DJ Jacqueline (NL) Saturday, 5 April 14.00 - 19.00 Milonga: DJ Richard (NL) 21.00 - 02.00 Milonga: DJ Bart (NL) Sunday, 6 April 13.00 - 18.00 Milonga: DJ Ulla (SE) 19.00 - 22.00 Milonga: DJ Julija (BE) Extra - Included Friday 17.30 - 19.00 Newbie-Buddy workshop by Claudia 20.00 Buffet for the hungry travelers Saturday 12.30 - 13.45 Newbie-Buddy workshop by Claudia 19.00 Group dinner at the venue, prepared by Tango Cuisine Sunday 11.00 - 13.00 Brunch at the venue 18.00 Leftover dinner for those still with us Snacks and drinks throughout the event. More Info below.