Our Vision: Sparkly lights, beautiful tandas, warm embraces, enriching conversations, exploration, shared moments, new connections, magic These are a few of our favourite things. Our vision for VTM is to provide everything you would expect at your favourite tango event (excellent music, inspiring dancing, a beautiful venue with a fantastic dancefloor, great food, great people, great floorcraft) and a little westcoast flavour. Victoria is known for its quaint old world charm and its stunning natural setting. In addition to plenty of dancing, we want to share a little bit of our Island life with you. This will be a role balanced event where lead/follow switching is welcome and encouraged. We want this event to be inclusive for all. We like to have fun and enjoy our time with tango friends new and old. We also think that an important part of having an enjoyable tango event is for all dancers to respect the codigos and demonstrate consideration for other couples on the dancefloor. We believe tango is a meditation on life, or, life is a meditation on tango. Truly enriching connection and conversation starts with each persons willingness to come face to face with an other, to give what we can of ourselves in the moment, receive what the other person offers, and appreciate the exchange of sharing ourselves through these encounters. Magic has no limits. 2025 EVENT SCHEDULE Outdoor Adventure Hike to McKenzie Bight Friday April 11th 1:00PM-5:00PM Transportation departs and returns @ DaVinci Center 195 Bay St More details available HERE LOCATION: DaVinci Center 195 Bay St Friday April 11th 8:00PM 1:00AM Friday Land Acknowledgement Milonga DJ Alexis Boileau Saturday April 12th 11:00AM-12:00PM Brunch Buffet (remaining food until 1PM) 12:00PM-1:00PM Workshop Workshop #1 To Be Announced 1:00PM-5:00PM Afternoon Milonga DJ Rebecca Rorick Smith 8:00PM-1:00AM Evening Milonga DJ Olga Bogatova Sunday April 13th 11:00AM-12:00PM Brunch Buffet (remaining food until 1PM) 12:00PM-1:00PM Workshop Workshop #2 To Be Announced 1:00PM-5:00PM Afternoon Milonga DJ Tara TP 8:00PM-1:00AM Closing Milonga DJ Dan Boccia For parents: Onsite Child Minding service available during Afternoon Milongas for ages 0-5. A Parents Room will also be open during Evening Milongas More Info below.