Aj Tango Marathon in Cagliari 24 27 April 2025 Third edition Hotel Califfo Cagliari After the success of a year ago we return with the third edition of Aj Tango Marathon 2025 , happy to welcome you again integrating Tango, Food, territory and hugs. Big news, the Teacher Mariana Montes will hold lessons only for the participants of the Marathon. Dancing is beautiful but studying too. Let me introduce myself, I am Nicol Noto president of the ASD Tango Te Quiero Mas , I am Sicilian with Sardinian blood (grandparents from Orotelli), I arrived in Sardinia for the first time when I was little and since then I have always wanted to return as a call. Returning to Sardinia, passionate about Argentine Tango, I immediately fit into the fantastic Sardinian community and began to follow lessons with Mariana Montes, a well-known world-famous teacher , now resident in Sardinia. The desire to bring an event to Sardinia that could make her community known was born almost immediately. I chose this period because I always like to integrate the territory with folklore and traditions. As a Sicilian I found many similarities between the two lands, as a famous writer of aphorisms wrote: in Sardinia everything becomes open sky, everything becomes sea, wind, dunes, and horizon. I add as in Sicily More Info below.