Nuevo Elegance Experience 3.0 - Morbihan Tango Weekend 2025

Nuevo Elegance Experience 3.0 - Morbihan Tango Weekend 2025
May 01

Nuevo Elegance Experience 3.0 - Morbihan Tango Weekend 2025

INTRO - PROGRAM - PRICES - PRACTICAL INFORMATION NUEVO ELEGANCE EXPERIENCE 3.0 - Morbihan Tango Weekend - 2025 MAY 1-4 Michael El Gato Nadtochi Elvira Lambo 20 hours of dancing in 4 Milongas - 18 hours of classes in 12 theme lessons - Shows El Gato Elvira International Orchestra TANGO-A-QUARTETT: Oksana Pinchuk, violin, Savva Zihs, bandoneon, Anvar Akbari, piano, Andri Stukalenko, double bass Team DJ Nicolas Paderi Tango Team musicians, Camille Privat, chromatic accordion Stephane Lonnois, violin, guitar, keyboards, singing, etc Catering Saveurs dArgentine and bar on site: empanadas, asadas, desserts, wines, bubbles, soft drinks, espresso Exhibitions Stands Cathy Italian brand tango shoes Entonces with exclusive memory foam sole. Bernie H Creation exclusive dresses. Isao creations. Elena and Papillon dresses Italian creation. Nathalie's bags. Philippe L'Hostis Tango shoes Italian brand Tangolera-Bandolera, Regina, Schizzo and more ..............................INTRODUCTION NUEVO ELEGANCE EXPERIENCE, third edition : The Nuevo Method Live, face to face with Michael Nadtochi Elvira Lambo is NUEVO ELEGANCE EXPERIENCE 3.0 A pedagogical progression of 12 themed lessons over 4 days. It is highly recommended to be present from day 1 - INTRODUCTION DAY - essential for continuous study over 4 days, to progress and revise in a group and move on, tackle new challenges, more difficult challenges until day 4 - GRAND REVIEW DAY - connect all the pieces of the Nuevo puzzle. CHOICE Lessons 1 to 12: Program built with a thematic pedagogy, the idea is to preferably choose lessons on the same theme that will make you progress over several days. The best pedagogical option is to follow the 12 lessons! (and best budget option too with a price of only 14 per lesson for the FULL PASS couple 12 lessons including 4 Milongas!) Join us in embracing Friedrich Nietzsche's wisdom: "He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and cannot fly into flying." Elevate your Tango Nuevo expertise to new heights! Introducing The Nuevo Method, an exceptional course tailored for seasoned dancers and instructors alike. Crafted by the ingenious Michael Nadtochi and Elvira Lambo, this exclusive, patented program offers meticulously organised, accessible, and step-by-step tutorials, ensuring you master advanced techniques in a way unparalleled by any other. Embark on a transformative journey with The Nuevo Method: Lays the groundwork for the entire tango system, reinterpreted through a contemporary educational lens. Dives into off-axis moves and sparks creativity, pushing the boundaries of your dance proficiency. Concludes previously done work paving the way for dancers to soar towards achieving dance freedom. Experience Alternative Tango at its pinnacle - revel in shadow position maneuvers, explore cascading colgadas, and tackle intricate gancho combinations that will truly challenge and inspire you! An exceptional and exclusive event organized by Andr Forner Tango - L'Atelier 17 - TANGO ARGENTIN MORBIHAN REGISTRATION - INSCRIPTION : [hidden] ......................................SCHEDULE May 1-2-3-4 Educational progression of 12 thematic lessons over 4 days: course duration 115 with break or personal practice 15 THURSDAY May 1: day 1 - INTRODUCTION DAY - essential for continuous study over 4 days. First day, preferably EVERYONE ATTENDING - From 12.30: Welcome: breakfast offered, coffee, tea, fruit juice, water... a time to meet, to talk, to ask a question, to practice freely on the dance floor before starting the first of the 12 lessons themes 14.00 Theme 1 - Training balance - movements on and off axis 15.30 Theme 2 - Connection and coordination within the couple - types of leading 17.00 Theme 3 - Listening to the music and interpreting NUEVO TANGO music 18.30-20.00 Live music aperitif - Bar catering on site: time to meet and eat, drink, listen to musicians, exchange experiences 20.00-01.00 MILONGA n1 WELCOME DJ live music FRIDAY May 2: day 2 - progress then revise in a group and move on thing 14.00 Theme 1 - Colgada 15.30 Theme 2 - Gancho Leg Wraps 17.00 Theme 3 - Musical variation using the Tango Nuevo language: from beat to syncopa 18.30-20.00 Live music aperitif - Bar catering on site 20.00-01.00 MILONGA n2 of GALA - DJ orchestra TANGO A QUARTETT - Shows El Gato Elvira SATURDAY May 3: day 3 - new challenges, more difficult challenges 14.00 Theme 1 - Giro Expansion - connection and timing 15.30 Theme 2 - Gancho Leg Wraps 17.00 Theme 3 - Soltada 18.30-20.00 TANGO SHOW Co - El Gato Lambo, Tango A Quartett, Camille Stephane, etc - Bar catering on site 20.00-01.00 MILONGA n3 of GALA - DJ orchestra TANGO A QUARTETT - Shows El Gato Elvira SUNDAY May 4: day 4 - GRAND REVIEW connecting all the pieces of the puzzle Nuevo Bar catering on site from 10.30 11.00 Theme 1 - Connecting Giro Colgada - circular nature of movements 12.30 Theme 2 - Musical chain of Enganches - mini choreography to improv the learning process 14.00 Theme 3 - combining Enganche with Soltadas - appropriate combinations 15.30-20.30 DESPEDIDA n4 - DJ live music .......................PRICES - REGISTRATION : solo/couple Payment: 1. Secure online credit card: [hidden] - 2. Transfer: ask for IBAN - 3. Check PRICES solo/couple - TICKET 1 Lesson: 25/45 - FULL PASS Lessons (includes 4 Milongas): PASS 12 Lessons: 225/416 - 9 lessons: 207/368 - 8 Lessons: 190/348 - 6 Lessons: 180/320 - 4 Lessons: 140/260 TICKET Milonga n1: 10/18 - n2: 20/35 - n3: 20/35 - n4: 10/18 - PASS 4 Milongas: 45/80 - PASS 2 Milongas n2 and 3: 35/65 TICKET by one: TANGO SHOW Co ALL THE ARTISTS ON STAGE for dancer and no dancer public : 25/ reduced 20 (if PASS Lessons or PASS 4 milongas already subscrided) PRIVATE CLASS couple TICKET 1 hour with El Gato Elvira 150 ........REGISTRATION : [hidden] ....................................PRACTICAL INFORMATION VENUE of the event: Address: Salle des ftes de Brillac, rue Saint-Maur, Sarzeau, France Google MapsG5RH+V6 Sarzeau / GPS: 47.54230, -2.82207 SARZEAU Brillac facing the Gulf of Morbihan - comfortable ballroom, welcoming room with parquet flooring, car parking nearby, camper vans tolerated during the event Outdoor terrace for catering with food truck on site BRILLAC village near SARZEAU village hall - The festival takes place facing the Gulf of Morbihan, at the exit of the village of Brillac, grocery bar, Irish pub, seafood tastings in the oyster beds along the "Route de the oyster . AIRPORT/ Nantes Atlantique / TRAIN: Vannes SNCF train station. (BUS Kico Line 24) [hidden] (to buy your train ticket) [hidden] (English version to book train in France) Find ACCOMMODATION and tourism information: Tourist Office: +33 (0)2 97 53 69 69 / Email: [hidden] / Web: [hidden] CONTACT : [hidden] +33 (0)6 32 58 14 69 Direction Andr Forner Groupe FB TANGO ARGENTIN MORBIHAN : [hidden] Website: [hidden] (updated soon) - .................................................................. .................................................................. ORCHESTRA - DJ - MILONGAS (version franaise plus bas) THE 4 MILONGAS of the NUEVO ELEGANCE EXPERIENCE 3.0: May 1-2-3-4 -01 MAY 8pm-1am Milonga n1 WELCOME -02 MAY 8pm-1am Milonga n2 de GALA -03 MAY 8pm-1am Milonga n3 de GALA -04 MAY 3:30pm-8:30pm Milonga n4 DESPEDIDA DJ Nicolas Paderi. Paderi has been immersed in Argentine tango for over 20 years now. For a very long time, among the first in the Centre Val de Loire region and other festivals, Nicolas offers a musical program composed of traditional or contemporary tangos with alternative music with a predominantly pop or jazzy sound while keeping the traditional structure of coherent tandas. Nicolas Paderi loves this mix of energy which promotes the necessary development of improvisational potential and his music invites all the dancers on the dance floor to surprise the magic of this dance that he shares with us! INTERNATIONAL ORCHESTRA Tango A Quartett. A tango ensemble from Aachen, dedicated to performing traditional tangos, Tango Nuevo, as well as their own original compositions. The quartet impressively showcases the rich palette of tango music, sparkling rhythms, passion and strength, lightness and elegance, melancholy and longing. With respect for tradition and an extensive repertoire, the musicians aim to introduce the audience and dancers to the music of composers like Julio De Caro, Carlos Di Sarli, Juan D'Arienzo, Julin Plaza, Osvaldo Pugliese, Eduardo Rovira, Astor Piazzolla, and many others. The name of the quartet subtly hints at the city where the musicians first met and where the ensemble was born in local tango clubs. All members have a solid musical education and a deep passion for tango. They formed a quartet with violin (Oksana Pinchuk), bandoneon (Savva Zihs), piano (Anvar Akbari), and double bass (Andri Stukalenko) to bring to life the music from all eras of tango history. Through their performances at festivals and milongas in Germany and abroad, they inspire a love and interest in this music, inviting the audience to discover and experience the world of tango in all its facets. Version franaise : LES 4 MILONGAS du NUEVO ELEGANCE EXPERIENCE 3.0 : 1-2-3-4 mai -01 MAI 20h-1h Milonga n1 WELCOME -02 MAI 20h-1h Milonga n2 de GALA -03 MAI 20h-1h Milonga n3 de GALA -04 MAI 15h30-20h30 Milonga n4 DESPEDIDA DJ Nicolas Paderi. Cela fait dj plus de 20 ans que Paderi a plong dans le tango argentin. Depuis trs longtemps, parmi les premiers en rgion Centre Val de Loire et autres festivals, Nicolas propose une programmation musicale compose de tangos traditionnels ou contemporains avec de la musique alternative sonorit majoritairement pop ou jazzy en gardant la structure traditionnelle de tandas cohrentes. Nicolas Paderi aime ce mlange dnergie qui favorise le ncessaire panouissement dun potentiel dimprovisation et ses musiques invitent tous les danseurs sur la piste surprendre la magie de cette danse quil nous fait partager ! ORCHESTRE Tango A Quartett. Un ensemble de tango d'Aix-la-Chapelle qui se consacre l'interprtation de tangos traditionnels, de tango nuevo et de compositions originales. Le quatuor prsente de manire impressionnante la riche palette de la musique du tango, des rythmes ptillants, de la passion et de la force, de la lgret et de l'lgance, de la mlancolie et de la nostalgie. Dans le respect de la tradition et d'un vaste rpertoire, les musiciens ont pour objectif de faire dcouvrir au public et aux danseurs la musique de compositeurs tels que Julio De Caro, Carlos Di Sarli, Juan D'Arienzo, Julin Plaza, Osvaldo Pugliese, Eduardo Rovira, Astor Piazzolla et bien d'autres. Le nom du quatuor fait allusion la ville o les musiciens se sont rencontrs pour la premire fois et o l'ensemble est n dans les clubs de tango locaux. Tous les membres ont une solide formation musicale et une profonde passion pour le tango. Ils ont form un quatuor avec violon ( Oksana Pinchuk ), bandonon ( Savva Zihs ), piano ( Anvar Akbari ) et contrebasse ( Andri Stukalenko ) pour donner vie la musique de toutes les poques de l'histoire du tango. travers leurs prestations dans des festivals et des milongas en Allemagne et ltranger, ils inspirent lamour et lintrt pour cette musique, invitant le public dcouvrir et exprimenter le monde du tango sous toutes ses facettes. REGISTRATION - INSCRIPTION : [hidden] More Info below.

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Phone: 33 (0)6 32 58 14 69
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when: May 1 @ 9am - May 4 @ 9pm
where: Sarzeau, Brillac, salle des fêtes, 7 Rue du Pont du Lindin, 56370 Sarzeau, France map
category: Argentine Tango

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