CELEBRATION VENUE Hall of the Central Building of the Euskadi Technology Park in Miramn. Mikeletegi Pasealekua, 53. 20009 DONOSTIA/SAN SEBASTIN (Gipuzkoa). Oianume Restaurant. Barrio Ergoyen, 18. 20130 URNIETA (Gipuzkoa) PROGRAM Friday, May 2nd 17:00 20:00 h. Opening and welcome milonga: Miramn Technology Park. TDj: Juan Ido. 22:00 03:00 h. Milonga at night. Miramn Technology Park. TDj: Mikel Rodrguez. Saturday May 3rd 12:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. Outdoor milonga. Boulevard Alameda. TDj: Silverio Maquiere. 16:00 20:00 h. Afternoon milonga. Miramn Technology Park. TDj: Carmen Villafuerte. 22:00 03:00 h. Milonga at night. Miramn Technology Park. TDj: Joseba Pagola . Sunday, May 4th 1:30 p.m. Food: Oianume restaurant. Urgranddaughter. 4:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Farewell milonga. Oianume Restaurant (Urnieta). TDj: Dicri Tango Dj. REGISTRATION PROCESS Submission of application. The application must be made using this form. Acceptance. Once GATA receives the request, it will respond by email indicating acceptance of the event, including the account number where the amount corresponding to the chosen activities must be paid. Registrations will not be considered final and no place will be reserved until payment has been made. CANCELLATION POLICY In case of cancellation, 50% of the amount paid will be refunded by March 15. From March 15th to March 31st, 20% of the amount deposited will be refunded. From April 1st, no refunds will be made. In all cases, bank charges incurred will be deducted. GENERAL CONDITIONS Registration for the Sunday milonga is NOT possible. Registration for the meal is mandatory. If the ballroom is not full, from Monday 28 April the possibility of registering only for the milonga will be opened, at a price of 20 euros, until full capacity is reached. Attendance at the event implies acceptance of our privacy policy, detailed on this website. By attending the event you consent to the filming and photographing of the event and its participants, as well as the use of such material by the organization. If you prefer not to appear in photographs, you can tell the photographers who will try not to take close-up photos of you, although it is always possible that you will appear in a group photo or video. ACCOMMODATIONS Hotel Tres Reyes , Donostia/San Sebastian, 10% discount with the code AGATA ; [hidden] Phone: 943932932; Mail: [hidden] Irenaz Resort Apartments , Donostia/San Sebastian, 10% discount with the code AGATA on their website (minimum stay 3 nights); [hidden] . La Palmera Rural House Landetxea, Lasarte, [hidden] Apartments Florida 30, Hernani, [hidden] Aldagaia Apartments, Hernani, [hidden] Pension Beizama, Astigarraga, [hidden] More Info below.