THE BYRON BAY TANGO FESTIVAL MAY 2 - 4, 2025 Dear friends, the first-weekend-in-May date for the festival worked well, so we are keeping it. You can now plan ahead for this, and future festivals. After a super-successful first visit by Bruno Tombari and Rocio Lequio, they have agreed to return to delight their fans with a new immersion program and performances. Find a partner asap and book early!! The program format follows familiar paths, with daytime immersion workshops and continuous dancing for others; evening milongas in the spectacular main auditorium with state-of-the-art sound; a plethora of great DJs and live music by the Festival Orquesta Tipica and The Mendoza Quartet. And much more Finally.... I am excited to announce that the BBTF is now officially co-ordinated and organised by a team. Yes! After 20+years (I've lost count) of a reliance on various generous helpers and consistent technical support from my dear friend Mike French, there are now four of us - myself, Sammi, Yulia and Glenn. You'll meet them at the festival. So....from the team.....Looking forward to sharing another memorable festival! Festival Registration. All events are at the Byron Community Centre, found in Jonson Street, Byron Bay. The registration desk will be open from 1pm on Friday 2nd May 2025. Immersion Classes. Please note that the immersion classes are for experienced dancers. As a rule of thumb, circa 5 years of tango dancing and attending classes, workshops and practicas. Limited to 30 couples. The festival is centred on a group of dance couples who commit to a weekend of intense learning with internationally recognised instructors. This year Rocio Lequio and Bruno Tombari will lead the immersion classes, consisting of 2x 2.5hr seminars. The structure of each seminar will be fluid and interactive to maximise learning and retention. Seminar 12. From Structure to Improvisation: Musicality and Co-creation. These seminars are about dancing and co-creating together a musical dialogue. We will approach the technique we develop to achieve an authentic, effortless, musical and lively dance. Technique, musical interpretation, tango elements and challenges. Tango Workshops. These workshops are designed to extend and deepen the skill of dancers in a specific subject matter. Requires competency in tango danciing; absolutely not suitable for those with basic skills only. Limited to 30 couples. Workshop 1: MILONGA, musical interpretation and combinations Workshop 2: SACADAS, for both roles to apply directly on the dancefloor Workshop 3: VALS, circular moves for reduced space. Milongas. A series of six morning and afternoon informal milongas are held in the upstairs room, each with a different guest DJs. There is a formal milonga each evening with music by DJs and live music on Saturday by the Festival Orquesta Tipica, featuring members of the Mendoza Tango Quartet with guests musicians and singer Solange Lipcin. Private Lessons. Bruno and Rocio will be available for private lessons from Thursday 1st to Tuesday 6th May. Cost 180 for one teacher (couple or single) or 240 for two teachers (couple or single). For bookings SMS Conrad on [hidden] Special Events. Since 2016 the Festival has hosted a concert highlighting a critical aspect of the music of Astor Piazzolla. This year, the Mendoza Tango Quartet and friends will feature the complete "Four Seasons of Buenos Aires" as well as other favourite compositions by Piazzolla and contemporary composers. This event is open to the general public and entry is not included in the festival passes. Tickets should be available at door or book beforehand at the Byron Bay Community Centre. More Info below.