14th Vienna Calling Tango Marathon 2025 Spring Edition

14th Vienna Calling Tango Marathon 2025 Spring Edition
May 16

14th Vienna Calling Tango Marathon 2025 Spring Edition

We like to invite a group of role balanced, international, friendly tango dancers who could appreciate and enjoy a weekend full of tango dancing together. Our ideas we want you to share with us for this weekend: Level: Experienced, open minded, easy going dancers Invitation: Socializing and Cabeceo friendly Ronda: Respectful dancing with partner surrounding dancers Style: Closed or open embrace, one or multiple tandas Stamina: Be prepared to dance a lot and until late night Location setup: Socializing area for chat and cabeceo, large dancing area for one or multiple tandas Excellent international DJs combined with a superb sound system will create the right base for an exceptional marathon experience. Brunch to get you started into the afternoon. Free flowing bar get your alcoholic drink whenever you feel like it for free Extensive warm and cold snack buffet throughout day and night will provide you with the energy to dance until the last tanda. Free coffee, tea and variety of fruit juice to keep you hydrogenated. Aircondition to catch your breath. Mixed crowd of tango friends to chat, dance and socialize with. Friday, May 16 Welcome day 21:00 24:00 Welcome desk Check-in 21:00 22:00 Meet greet 21:00 03:00 WELCOME MILONGA DJ tba 01:00 02:00 Warm snack Saturday, May 17 The destroy-the-pista day 13:00 14:00 Good morning brunch snack 14:00 19:00 AFTERNOON MILONGA DJ tba 16:00 18:00 Cake and punch 19:00 22:00 Dinner break (Dinner is not included at the location. Check out partner restaurant Kent!) 22:00 04:00 SATURDAY NIGHT MILONGA DJ tba 01:30 02:30 Warm snack Sunday, May 18 The final day 13:00 14:00 Good morning brunch snack 14:00 19:00 SUNDAY AFTERNOON MILONGA DJ tba 16:30 VCTM Team Thank you, group picture surprise snack! 19:00 21:00 Dinner break (Dinner is not included at the location. Check out partner restaurant Kent!) 21:00 02:00 VCTM Sunday Good Bye Night DJ tba Stay with us and celebrate the VCTM closing set still featuring free flow bar and snacks till the very end! More Info below.

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[email protected]
when: May 16 @ 9am - May 18 @ 9pm
where: Louis Braille Haus, 1140 Vienna, Austria map
category: Argentine Tango

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