12th CYPRUS TANGO CAMP 25 / 29 JUNE 2025 @OLIVE TREE OTEL PRICE for PER NIGHT/ PER PERSON OPEN BUFFET BREAKFAST and DINNER INCLUED SINGLE BUNGALOW: 100 Euro DOUBLE BUNGALOW: 65 Euro TRIPLE BUNGALOW: 60 Euro MILONGA PACKAGE: 85 EURO ( 6 milonga ) LESSON PACKAGE: 85 EURO ( 3 workshop + Chacarera) 1 workshop: 30 Euro Camp PROGRAMME: 12th CYPRUS TANGO CAMP 25 JUNE 2025 @MED CLUB 26 JUNE / 29 JUNE 2025 @ OLVE TREE OTEL [hidden] 25 JUNE 2025 WEDNESDAY @MED CLUB Time : 19:30/20:30 workshop AB CHACARERA workshop with MURAT GRMEN PreCampLonga @MED CLUB milongaSiempre 26 JUNE THURSDAY 14:00 OLIVE TREE Hotel check-in workshops: 16:30/17:30 B1 workshop with maestros MUHARREM NLAY 17:30/18:30 A1workshop with maestros UTKU RS 19:00/21:00 Dinner 21:00/02:30 GALA MILONGA The camp opening night dance ceremony with all MAESTROS DJ : MURAT GRMEN He will come from Shine Tango Ankara 27 JUNE FRIDAY 08:00/10:30 Breakfast 11:00/15:30 poolmilonga DJ DUAL BLAZE GUNE MERYEM They are from TangoSiempre Workshop: 16:30/ 17:30 B2 with maestros UTKU RS 17:30/ 18:30 A2 with maestros LOUKAS GEORGIA 19:00/21:00 Dinner 21:00/03:00 GALA MILONGA Show by : MUHARREM NLAY This amazing couple from STANBUL Tango La Vida We are very proud and happy to have the chance to watch them again and learn from them during our camp . Dj UTKU KLEY He is Academia Del Tango Istanbul 28 JUNE SATURDAY 08:00/10:30 Breakfast 11:00/15:30 poolmilonga DJ JASMIN She is ftom TangoSiempre Workshop 16:30/17:30 B3 with maestros LOUKAS GRORGIA 17:30/18:30 A3 with maestros MUHARREM NLAY 19:00/21:00 Dinner 21:00/03:00 GALA MILONGA Show By : UTKU RS From Academia Del Tango Istanbul They are our family for a long time , they are wonderful couple, we will be very excited to watch them again.... LOUKAS GEORGIA From Tango Fix Athens Greece They are indispensables in our camp, they are magical couple we will be very excited to watch them again.. DJ RASH RAT TRKER he is from TangoSiempre 29 JUNE SUNDAY 08:00/10:30 Breakfast (Hotel check-out 12:00) 12:00/17:00 Poolmilonga Dj CHRSTANA she is from Limasol Cyprus Good bye 12th Cyprus Tango Camp More Info below.