Triple Threat Fitness: Free Outdoor Strength Training

Triple Threat Fitness: Free Outdoor Strength Training
Mar 30

Triple Threat Fitness: Free Outdoor Strength Training

✨Triple Threat Fitness: Strength Training for your Mind, Body, and Soul✨ 🙏With Miss Nicole Brooke: Women's Coach, Professional Dancer & Teacher, Spiritual Preacher, and Fitness Fan offering a transformative and holistic experience to turn YOU into a Triple Threat: Strong Body, Mind, and Soul. ✅ ✅ ✅ ✨EVERY SUNDAY FROM 12-1 PM IN CHARLIE FRIAS PARK, LAS VEGAS✨ (Tropicana Ave. & S Decatur Blvd.) 🙏We will meet down in the basin area. Follow the music! 🙏Bring a towel or yoga mat to sit on, water, and a notebook. 🙏Please to arrive 5-15 minutes early to get settled in. 🙏Donation Based Service. 🙏Women's Workout Wear For Sale! 👇Here's What to Expect👇 🌹 Soul – Miss Nicole Brooke’s Gnostic Christian Sxxy Sermon with relevant messages from the Holy Divine Feminine Trinity of Goddesses to guide us on our collective spiritual journey of awakening and liberation. 🧘 Mind – Gentle stretching, mindfulness techniques, and Quantum energy tools to develop your intuition, receive divine downloads, and cultivate inner peace in a chaotic world. 💪Body – A dynamic and upbeat HIIT workout to provide proper preparation for sculpting your dancer body and to promote healthy habits and an active lifestyle. ❗ Once our time is complete we will walk/drive/bike/scooter on over to Pole Fitness Studio (4265 S. Arville Street) for a day of dancing, laughter, and sisterhood with Miss Nicole Brooke. 💃 👇Our Dance Schedule is as follows👇 2-3 pm Pole Dance (Studio 1) 3-4 pm Twerk & Chair (Downstairs Studio) 5-6 pm Bachata Burlesque (Downstairs Studio) ✨Check out @SexySundaySchool and @MissNicleBrooke on Instagram for more information.✨ ❓Not a Pole Fitness Studio member yet? Here are your options, ordered from low to high commitment: Option 1: Drop-in class- $30 for Pole & aerial, $25 for non-pole Option 2: Punch Card of 15 Classes- $250 (equaling 16.66 per class) Option 3: 1 Month Membership- $139 with a waived registration fee for those who sign up for "Sxxy Sunday School" Option 4: Buy 3 months and get your 4th free- $417, with a waived registration fee Option 5: one year membership contract- $89 per month, with a waived registration fee (Best Value!) 📲Call Pole Fitness Studio at [hidden] when you’re ready to sign up to become a Goddess! And If you’d like to speed up the process with Private Dance Lessons & Queen B Mentoring, Contact Miss Nicole Brooke directly at [hidden]. ✨Come to one or stay all day! Goddess's Will is for you to Play and Slay. ✨Don't Be Square! See you there! 💗Love, Miss Nicole Brooke 💗 More Info below.

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when: March 30 @ 12pm - 1pm
where: Charlie Frias Park, Decatur and Tropicana, Las Vegas, NV map
price: Free
category: Salsa



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