Boston Tango Calendar

Boston Tango Calendar of Events: tango classes, free lessons, milongas, practicas, dance studios, performances, festivlas & shows. Add Your Events!

Boston Tango Calendar | Dance Studios | Tango Classes | Weekly Milongas | Festivals | Resources

TODAY - Friday, Mar 28, 2025

  • Vida Mia Milonga
    $20 Milonga
    Vida Mia Milonga
    March 28 - March 29 @ 7:30pm - 12:30am | Monthly - 4th Friday

    Dance Union, 16 Bow St, Somerville, MA 02143, USA

    We are excited to announce Vida Mia with the guest artist Gaston Enrique Olguin from Buenos Aires! Gaston will be teaching a special pre-milonga workshop and ...

Saturday, Mar 29, 2025

  • Cafe Tango Milonga
    Cafe Tango Milonga
    March 29 - March 30 @ 7:45pm - 1am | Monthly - 5th Saturday

    Dance Union, 16 Bow St, Somerville, MA 02143, USA

    7:45-8:45pm Pre-Milonga Class w/Gaston. 9pm-1am - Dancing. Guest DJ: David Chester. Our Monthly Cafe Tango takes place on the 5th Saturday of the month. As ...

Sunday, Mar 30, 2025

  • Boston Weekly Sunday Practica
    $10 Practica
    Boston Weekly Sunday Practica
    March 30 @ 3pm - 6pm | Weekly - Sundays

    Q-Ballroom, 26 New St #3, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

    Our Current COVID Restrictions: What we request (via the honor system) is that attendees have any of: Being fully vaccinated against Covid A recent negative ...
  • Practilonga Caminito Guided Practica
    $10 Practica
    Practilonga Caminito Guided Practica
    March 30 @ 6pm - 9pm | Weekly - Sundays

    Dance Union, 16 Bow St, Somerville, MA 02143, USA

    CAMINITO is a welcoming place which gathers us together to step along playfully. So come and enjoy a good time with us dancing and practicing all your favorite ...

Monday, Mar 31, 2025

  • Noche De Practica – Guided Tango Practica
    $20 Practica
    Noche De Practica – Guided Tango Practica
    March 31 @ 7:30pm - 10:30pm | Weekly - Mondays

    Dance Union, 16 Bow St, Somerville, MA 02143, USA

    Every Monday from 7:30-10:30pm you will be joining a group of Tangueros that practice with each other and help each other progress. This practica is guided by ...

Tuesday, Apr 1, 2025

  • Short Sequences at Ultimate Tango
    FREE Class
    Short Sequences At Ultimate Tango
    April 1 @ 7:30pm - 8:15pm

    Ultimate Tango School of Dance, 349 Washington St, Malden, MA

    Learn a new, short, easy-to-remember sequence every week. That's 52 sequences a year. Your vocabulary will be enriched and your partners - super impressed. ...
  • Practica Chiquita By Ultimate Tango
    $10 Practica
    Practica Chiquita By Ultimate Tango
    April 1 @ 8:30pm - 11:30pm | Weekly - Tuesdays

    Medford Lodge of Elks, 19 Washington St, Medford, MA 02155, USA

    Once you have the basics of Argentine Tango down, its time to work on developing your skills. Our tango practice sessions do just that. Practica Chiquita is ...

Wednesday, Apr 2, 2025

  • An Evening of  Argentine Tango for everyone starting with a Beginner Course
    An Evening Of Argentine Tango For Everyone Starting With A Beginner Course
    April 2 - April 3 @ 7pm - 12am

    Dance Union, 16 Bow Street, Somerville, MA

    Ever wanted to learn the Dance of Love? This is your chance to literally "get your feet wet" and come experience the ultimate Argentine Tango taught and ...
  • Wednesday Tango Break - Dancing
    Wednesday Tango Break - Dancing
    April 2 - April 3 @ 9pm - 12am | Weekly - Wednesdays

    Dance Union, 16 Bow St, Somerville, MA 02143, USA

    The Tango Society of Boston sponsors Mid-week Tango Dance breaks every Wednesday. Bostons largest informal Milonga (Tango social dance). 9:00-12:00 (Midnight) ...


  • BOSthon Tango Marathon
    Bosthon Tango Marathon
    September 18 - September 22

    Boston, MA, USA

    Dear Dancers, We are excited to invite you to the annual Boston Tango Marathon BOSthn, the friendliest Tango Marathon on the planet! Thirteen years ago, we ...

Popular Boston Tango Festivals

SEPTEMBER: BOSthón Tango Marathon - Annual Argentine Tango Marathon
Please join us at the annual Boston tango marathon – BOSthón the friendliest Tango Marathon on the planet! TEN YEARS AGO we started our incredible BOSthòn journey – an annual Tango Marathon in Boston. Filled with amazing music, passionate dancers, and hand-selected DJs. BOSthòn is about more than just tango. It’s about the tango community. It is with great pleasure that we invite tango addicts to join us for the tenth time! Come dance with the most welcoming, inviting, engaging, and downright delightful dancers around. Our role-balanced BOSthòn is four full days of dancing to music by world renowned DJs. We’ll have a lot of snacks and coffee to keep you going.

See more TANGO FESTIVALS Worldwide and Tango Festivals USA Calendars to find more tango festivals and marathons in USA, UK, Europe and around the world.

Dance Studios, Schools & Classes

Best Argentine Tango Dance Studios, Schools & Classes in Boston, MA from our Massachusetts dance studios list featuring many dance schools.

Tango Classes in Boston

Check each Dance Studio (see listings above) for Argentine Tango Classes and Schedule in Boston. Additionally, check out individual instructors in your area. TIP: at each milonga there is usually a complementary pre-milonga tango classes for beginners, intermediate and advance level students.


FREE Tango Classes

Tango Bar Milonga @ Dance Union offers a FREE Beginner Tango class 8-9pm every 3rd Friday of the Month. Info: 617-699-OCHO (-6246) |

La Milonga @ Dance Union offers a FREE Tango class (Introductory) 8-9pm every 3rd Saturday of the Month. La Milonga is the longest running Milonga in the city. Info: 617-699-OCHO (-6246) |

Late Night Cambalache Milonga @ Dance Union offers a FREE Tango course (Crash Course for Beginners and Friends): 8-9pm every 4th Saturday of the Month. Pre-milonga class and performance by Silvana Brizuela and Sidney Grant. Info: 617-699-OCHO (-6246) |

Porteño y Bailarín Milonga @ Dance Union offers a FREE Beginners Class: 8-9pm every 5th Friday of the Month. No partner necessary! Info: 617-699-OCHO (-6246) |


On-Going Milongas, Practicas & Tango Classes in Boston, Cambridge Area


Noche De Practica – Guided Tango Practica
Dance Union - 16 Bow Street, Somerville, MA 02143
Every Monday from 7:30-10:30pm you will be joining a group of Tangueros that practice with each other and help each other progress. This practica is guided by Maestro Guillermo Merlo.


Practica Chiquita By Ultimate Tango
Medford Lodge of Elks - 19 Washington St, Medford, MA 02155
Once you have the basics of Argentine Tango down, it’s time to work on developing your skills. Our tango practice sessions do just that. Practica Chiquita is guided, which means there are instructors present who will advise you on what to practice and how to practice.


Wednesday Tango Break - Dancing
Dance Union - 16 Bow Street, Somerville, MA 02143
The Tango Society of Boston sponsors Mid-week Tango Dance breaks every Wednesday. Boston’s largest informal Milonga (Tango social dance). 9:00-12:00 (Midnight) Social Dance Break Milonga. Tango dancing till 12 Midnight. Call Vicky if you have any questions at 617-721-4872


Thursday Night Tango On Cape At Misha's
Misha's - Jannor way, West Yarmouth, MA
Casual tango on the Cape every Thursday night, open, private, free. Few minutes from exit 7 (72) or 8 if you driving from Lower cape.


Porteño y Bailarín Milonga (5th Friday of the Month)
Dance Union - 16 Bow Street, 2FL, Somerville, MA 02143
5th Friday of each month, 8pm-1am
8-9pm: Crash Course for Beginners and Friends. All welcome! 9-1am: Porteño y Bailarín Milonga.
Info: 617-699-OCHO (-6246) |

Tango Bar (3rd Friday of the Month)
Dance Union - 16 Bow Street, 2FL, Somerville, MA 02143
3rd Friday of each month, 8pm-1am
8-9pm - FREE Beginner Tango Class | 9pm-1am Dancing w/ guest DJs Live Performances
Info: 617-699-OCHO (-6246) |

El Arrabal Milonga (2nd Friday)
Dance Union - 16 Bow Street, 2FL, Somerville, MA 02143
Ladies and Gentlemen, please join us on for our long running El Arrabal Milonga! 7:45-8:45pm Pre-Milonga Class –All Levels with Guest Artist Gaston Enrique Olguin 9:00pm-1:00am — dancing with Guest DJs Class is 7:45-8:45pm $20/regular $15/student/member Milonga 9pm-1am $15/regular $10/student/member Both: $30/regular $20/student/member

Vida Mia Milonga (4th Friday)
Dance Union, 16 Bow St, 2nd Floor, Union Square, Somerville, MA
4th Friday of the Month, 8:00pm-9pm (Class) | 9:00-12:00pm (Milonga)
Admission: $35 class + milonga; $20 milonga only, $20 class only. Full-Time Students with ID and guests who travel long distance (more than 30 miles): $30/$15


La Milonga (3rd Saturday of the Month)
Dance Union - 16 Bow Street, 2FL, Somerville, MA 02143
3rd Saturday of each month, 8pm-1am | 8-9pm: FREE Intro Class | 9pm-1am: La Milonga
Info: 617-699-OCHO (-6246) |

Cafe Tango Milonga (5th Saturday of the Month)
Dance Union - 16 Bow Street, 2FL, Somerville, MA 02143
5th Saturday of each month, 8pm-1am
8-9pm: Crash Course for Beginners and Friends. All welcome! | 9-1am: Cafe Tango Milonga.
Info: 617-699-OCHO (-6246) |

Late Night Cambalache Milonga (4th Saturday of the Month)
Dance Union - 16 Bow Street, 2FL, Somerville, MA 02143
4th Saturday of each month, 8pm-2am | 8:00pm Class—all levels | 9:15pm Dancing w/guest DJ and performances
Info: 617-699-OCHO (-6246) |

Blue Milonga (2nd Saturday)
Dance Union - 16 Bow Street, Somerville, MA 02143
Every 2nd Saturday of the Month, 8:00pm-1:00am
Call (617) 393-3772 |


Sunday Practilonga Caminito
Dance Union - 16 Bow Street, 2FL, Somerville, MA 02143
Sundays 6-9pm
6-7pm: Intro Class | 7-9pm: Practilonga Social Dance
Info: 617-699-OCHO (-6246) |

Boston Weekly Sunday Practica
Q-Ballroom - 26 New Street, Suite 3, Cambridge, MA 02138
Every Sunday Afternoon, 3-6pm

If you find incorrect information, please contact us.

Additional Resources - Argentine Tango Boston, MA

The Tango Society of Boston is a non-profit organization dedicated to the support and growth of the Argentine Tango. The Tango is a social and participant’s dance and is for everyone to learn and enjoy, regardless of dance background!

MIT Tango Club - Tango to the MIT Community, Boston Student community and in the Grea ter Boston Area in general. We offer classes, practice sessions (called "practicas"), introductory ... get cool benefits like free entrances to MIT Tango club milongas, workshops.

Boston Tango and New England - tangonet, your independent source of tango information for Boston, New England, and other locales.



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