A multidisciplinary community art space. www.redpoppyarthouse.org The Red Poppy Art House is an on-site exploration in cultural-artistic-community engagement in the residential sector of the Mission District of San Francisco. With an aesthetic often likened to small cafés found on the back streets of European and South American cities, the Art House serve as a micro-center for artistic development, experimentation, and presentation, framed within the intimate setting of a 650 square foot commercial locale. Through this context, we seek to make visible the full living of artists, making the space itself as accessible and familiar and as one's neighborhood corner store. Continually shape-shifting in form, the Art House unifies working artist studio, concert hall, classroom, and everyday meeting ground where new relationships are forged. Our ideal is to wed the arts to everyday life, immersed in both the richness and the complexity of challenges inherent in our own community and the greater society at large.