Steel Heart Dance is a dance studio in South San Francisco that offers pole dance classes and private parties. Connecting heart, soul, and pole! Steel Heart Dance is a dance studio in South San Francisco that offers a variety of pole dance classes and workshops. We are open to all levels from beginner to advanced! We also offer open studio time, personal growth workshops, and special events. Our mission is to provide a safe, nurturing space where women can grow stronger, feel sexier, and learn more about themselves. We believe in community, strength, connection, and the beauty of the female spirit. We want to create a community where dancers, students, instructors, and experts in the field work together to promote and support sensual movement, the pole dance arts, and female empowerment! Our instructors and students come from all walks of life and backgrounds, and represent all sorts of body types and fitness. We believe pole dancing is for everyone! Book your next birthday party or event with Steel Heart Dance. Private parties are a great way to have fun with your friends and get an introduction to the movement and community we love. So grab your girlfriends and join us for this unforgettable experience! Steel Heart Dance -- connecting heart, soul, and pole!