Ambiant Dance

Welcome home... where dancing is fun! Ambiant Dance specializes in social & competitive partnership dance, including ballroom, standard, rhythm, latin, and country styles. We also choreograph wedding and quincea

Map Location
address: 16597 N 92nd St #105, Scottsdale, AZ, 85260
Sign up to see Contacts & Info:
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phone: (480) 422-6840
styles: Ballroom, Bolero, Cha Cha, DanceSport, Foxtrot, Hustle, Jive, Latin, Lindy Hop, Mambo, Merengue, Paso Doble, Quickstep, Rumba, Salsa, Samba, Swing, Tango, Two-Step, Waltz, Wedding Dance,

Classes and Events Near Ambiant Dance

  • Hip Hop 2/3 (Ages 10-15) @ A Z Dance District
    Hip Hop 2/3 (Ages 10-15) @ A Z Dance District
    December 26 @ 5pm - 6pm | Weekly - Thursdays

    A Z Dance District, 6222 N 7th St, Phoenix, AZ 85012, USA

    AZ Dance District offers a wide variety of recreational and competitive dance options for students of all ages - from just walking through adults - and is ...
  • Hip Hop 10-16 @ Laveen Dance
    $70 Intermediate
    Hip Hop 10-16 @ Laveen Dance
    December 26 @ 5:30pm - 6:30pm | Weekly - Thursdays

    Laveen Dance, 3330 W Southern Ave Suite 121, Phoenix, AZ 85041, USA

    This class will consist of learning and exploring the foundational movement of grooves, hip hop styles, and new school styles.
  • Hip Hop 7-9 @ Laveen Dance
    $70 Beginners
    Hip Hop 7-9 @ Laveen Dance
    December 26 @ 6:30pm - 7:30pm | Weekly - Thursdays

    Laveen Dance, 3330 W Southern Ave Suite 121, Phoenix, AZ 85041, USA

    Students will drill and explore movement across the floor, while also having the opportunity to learn combos that will develop into a choreographed routine.



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