Delaware House

Delaware House is a community of independent businesses dedicated to taking care of the body and spirit. Each of our uniquely skilled professionals is committed to helping clients experience joy-through movement, good health, or just the peace of relaxation. We offer a variety of unique services, but we are unified in our goal to help you feel good, look good, and have fun in the process.

Map Location
address: 2499 S Delaware, MILWAUKEE, WI, 53207
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contact: Kathy Howell
styles: Int'l Standard & Latin, American Smooth & Rhythm.

Classes and Events Near Delaware House

  • TangoVida Practilonga
    $10 Practica
    Tangovida Practilonga
    December 26 @ 7pm - 10pm | Weekly - 2nd, 4th Friday

    Delaware House, 2499 S Delaware Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53207, USA

    2nd, 4th Friday Practilonga. Doors open at 7:00 pm. All level class by Antonio Testolin and Jessica Penning of Madison 7:30-8:30 followed by a practica ...
  • Salsa Bachata Social
    $15 Social
    Salsa Bachata Social
    December 26 - December 27 @ 8:30pm - 12am | Monthly - 4th Friday

    Daync Studio, 504 W National Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53204, USA

    Milwaukee Salsa Bachata Social Is A Monthly Social Event That Exists To Expose The Community To Latin Dance, Music And Culture. We Provide A Fun Environment ...
  • Milonga de la Casa
    $25 Milonga
    Milonga De La Casa
    December 27 @ 6:45pm - 11pm | Monthly - 4th Saturday

    Casa Collective Studio, 21415 W Greenfield, New Berlin, WI New Berlin, USA

    Argentine Tango Milonga 8-11 PM with lesson preceding 6:45-7:45 taught by Jacques and Maria. Event hosted by Timothy Place and Carol Reed. Music by known DJ's. ...



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