Feel The Music Dance Studio, 101 S Rainbow Blvd, Suite 18, Las Vegas , NV
Ballroom Impact Atlanta, 1425 Market Blvd Suite 525, Roswell, GA
Super Dancers Family, 28012, Paseo de la Florida 18 ( ir hasta la esquina y girar a la derecha), Madrid
Espacio Just Dance, Av. de Tenerife, 26, 28703 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid, Spain
Mozartsäle, Moorweidenstraße 36, 20146 Hamburg, Germany
The Dancehouse, 2180 Chatsworth Boulevard, San Diego, CA
Northgate Community Center, 10510 5th Ave. NE,, Seattle, WA
El Casinet, C/ Amilcar, 37,, Barcelona
Hidden City Ballroom, 304 Washington Ave, Richmond, CA
TDS / Triangle Dance Studio, 2603 S. Miami Blvd, Durham, NC
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